changing ourselves, so we can create change in our world.

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To be on a healing journey means to be willing to change. In Buddhism they talk about change being the only constant, the only thing we can truly ever depend on. Change is the only absolute.

We have all experienced adverse reactions to change. We have all experienced stepping into change kicking and screaming, stepping into change despite our will. I understand. 

I also understand what it’s like to crave change so deeply, we can almost feel desperate, paralyzed by the enormity of the desire for it.

One thing is absolutely clear from everything our world has been experiencing, we are changing. White friends: you can either be a part of the change, or let it drag you along kicking and screaming. Personally, I choose the way my teachers and teachings have taught me, a way that has never led me astray, and even amongst the enormity of emotions, and the enormity of the problems, I believe in this way :: the way of love. I choose the path of love and that today means to choose to let my own world views evolve, change, and grow as our world does. To look at where I have been the problem, and to explore where I can be more of a partner, an ally. Not where I can be part of the solution because though solutions are where we are heading, this is not about fixing anything. This is about dismantling. This is about evolution. This is about rebuilding a structure that was not working. And just like every single healing journey ::  This is about changing ourselves, so we can create change in our outer world. 

It’s okay if the way you are stepping into this evolution is not the same as the next person. It’s okay if it’s different from your partner, or your best friends, or your social circles, or your social media following. It is okay if the way you are stepping into this is your way. You are entitled to do this your way. You know you best, and may you support yourself in the way you choose. But if the way you choose is with hate, is with reluctance to change, fear of evolution, I understand. I understand though there is no longer room for those emotions to drive. Step back into love. Ask yourself what you might be afraid of, hold yourself through the evolution, and let your change, and the change of the world support in the uprising no matter what. 

Rise up together friends, for we most certainly have an opportunity to be a part of the uprising together. 

And a little note to each and everyone of you, because if you chose to be on this mailing list you have chosen to heal. You have chosen to let healing be a lifestyle, a way you evolve into all that you desire, all that you want this world to be, a way to make a difference, to make a better world, I love you, thank you, and I will continue to be here to support you in your healing, and unpacking of all things comfortable and uncomfortable.