What emerged when I asked myself...

What emerged when I asked myself, what new action can I partake in that brings me closer to expanding into, welcoming in, my dreams?

First what came was a brainstorming session filled with new ideas that could support me.

  • Be more compassionate with myself and the slowness, take slowness back where I need it, when I need it, allowing it to become my friend

  • Talk to someone about the pain my heart is holding, the difficulty, the frustration, the questions, let this person hold me the way I am craving to be held

  • A week long writers retreat where I sit by myself, with good food, go on walks in nature and write, write write all day long

  • Hire someone new to my team of support and help bring in a new direction into my world view, help expand my heart

Then, I found as I wrote that taking action on these ideas is not even the point of creating and answering this question. The point of creating and answering this was to soften into what it is that I’m already doing to support myself. What I’m already doing to push myself towards my dreams, and what I’m already doing is A LOT. I am already holding a lot, and I don’t need to “do” anything else in order to step closer to my dreams. I only really must lean back into trust. Trusting that it’s happening. Trusting that it can happen differently than I had believed it needed. Trusting that I am worthy of it all happening. Me and my pal trust, we take this path once more. 

Sometimes the expansion comes simply from being willing to explore a new way of doing things, a new way of being, not from the doing itself.