some words on growth

The whirlwind of the energy of these last few weeks has been all consuming. 

I am feeling really proud of how I managed it, never getting fully sucked into any one emotion, simply feeling and being with them all. Though I had to work with all my might at times to hold the container for my groups, for my private clients in one hand, and for the energy I was feeling from the collective, plus my own emotions in another. It was a full time job to allow it all. So much has happened this year. We’ve been unveiled into growth. We’ve been held down by oppressors. We’ve been distraught with division. We’ve been pushed by the unknown. But you’ve gotten enough messages about what a tough year this has been. You know that. You’re living it. What I believe we could use to talk about more is stepping outside your comfort zone when it comes to managing your mental health.

Your old tricks and tools might not be working anymore. Or maybe they’re working but they’re not enough to support you right now. The patterns and habits, and maybe even the people you’ve been leaning on are in a different place than you are today. We are experiencing, and a part of massive growth. And with growth, comes the shedding of the old.

I want to tell you that it’s okay to grow.


To grow is the most natural beautiful experience we could embrace for ourselves because not only is it the only thing we know for sure in this world, that all things change and evolve, but it’s also beautiful to accept, to embrace what change has to offer you. It can be really scary to try new things. New healing modalities, new experiences, to new friends, to put yourself out there, it’s not always easy to do. And it’s okay to be afraid of it. To be afraid of being honest with yourself, afraid that being honest with others will hurt them. To be afraid of finding your voice, your truth, your path. It’s okay to be afraid of your growth.

Do it anyway.

To discover what works for you when managing your mental health, is the path to a happy life.

And I know your growth, the changes you want to make, I know it can cause some unrest with those around you. It’s hard for people to see you stepping into your power. It triggers them not only because you’re changing the name of the game, but also because there’s something inside them that’s being hit by the changes you’re making. It’s okay. Let them be triggered and make the changes you need anyway. Let them kick and scream their way through the changes, and hold steady to your heart. Taking care of your mental health means being willing to embrace change. It means being willing to embrace the new you that’s wanting to emerge.