To love and accept others for who they are today

“I love and accept you for who you are today.” This is a line that has become quite potent in my life. It’s something that helps my partner in softening into our differences. It supports him in feeling loved for who he is today, without feeling like I am trying to change him. He has told me it gives him permission to be who he is while opening to the perspectives of others because he knows deep in his soul that nothing in or about his core being is being disrespected, but rather stands as different. 

My partner and I have many analytical conversations. Some conversations turn into eye opening truths for one or both of us. Others turn into fights, or feelings of not being heard, or seen. Our relationship has always been a deep source of expansion for me. I see the world as a glass half full. I choose to see the good, the love, to believe the best in mankind. He’s not the opposite of that though more analytical. His first instinct is not to choose love but rather, choose equanimity. He gathers all the information and decides if love is his response. He loves deeply, and believes in the power of human connection. 

To love deeply and accept someone for who they are today means to not try to change them or their beliefs. It means to honor all that they are no matter where the makeup, genetic or otherwise, has come from. It means to embrace their beliefs as their beliefs without judgement. To love and accept someone for who they are is to hold their hand as they let their guard down, a process that cannot have an expectation by the hand-holder. It means to inspire them to want to accept others for who they are, no matter how different ones world views might be. 

It doesn’t mean to accept the pain they may have inflicted, or to condone bad behavior.  Nor does it mean to let go of your own needs, wants and desires. 

To love and accept someone for who they are means both individuals are willing to let themselves grow through their pain, pasts, and differences.

Hopefully I do not need to give you permission to be who you are, hopefully that is something you continue to do for yourself each and everyday. But if you are in need of that extra support, may you love and accept yourself for exactly who you are today while feeling inspired to open and listen to another’s perspective, no matter how different. 

This is a Full Moon week, which means emotions, experiences, situations might feel intensified. You can use this as a potent growth period for what you are working with and through. And if you’d like, answer these questions to support some unlocking. 

:: Who, what in your life could use a little extra glass half full perspective?

:: Who, what in your life could you see, hear, honor?

:: Who, what could use some extra acknowledgements?

:: What situation in your life has brought to light difficulties with differences, and where can you call in more love and appreciation for the experience as it stands today?

And if you can, choose someone in your life that would feel for you to say “I love and appreciate you for who you are today.”

And in case you didn’t already know this dear readers, this is how I feel about each one of you, I love and accept you just the way you are wired, even and especially when it’s different than me.