You and your opinion, are not always right.

You and your opinion, are not always right.

Yes, that means that the way you believe the world to be, the way your life experiences have shaped you, the things that have helped you and the fire that roars inside you, is not going to be standalone truthful right for everyone. And, that is okay. You don’t need to fix anyone, and you don’t need to help them see your way. You have your people, your community, your fellow light beamers that you lean on for support, and it’s okay to let other people have theirs.

I know this idea gets tricky when your belief systems are criticized or mocked. When you’re told you’re crazy, or that that the way you do something, or the belief you hold is “just not right”, I know it hurts. This is where you have a choice, an opportunity. You can choose to fight your way forward. Choose to push your perspective on another, choose to show them why your way is the right way, and feel like you’re living your life to prove something, always in the fight. Or you can fully and completely let go. If you let go I promise, you are in for a much happier life. 

For it’s in this place of letting go that you begin to rewire old stories, patterns within you. Letting go let’s you get out of your own head and into your body, into your heart. It’s where you’re able to soften into loving people with your whole heart, and letting them love you the way they know how. It’s a deeper acceptance of love. A kind of acceptance where you feel so fully and completely whole on your own that you don’t need your beliefs to be understood by anyone because you feel fully and completely understood by yourself. 

I spent a lot of time lately with people that are different than me. To say this has been a learning lesson for me, or a healing moment, is quite truly an understatement. A lifetime old wound of mine is a fear of not being accepted, of being called crazy. This is something I have heard time and time again in my life. So naturally, as it often goes with old wounds, we are faced with them once more until we do fully heal them. And it was in this place of total acceptance of my own being. A love so deep for myself that I carved out my time to breathe, to write, to be in the silence of nothing and recharge, that I was able to hear my inner voice whisper, “you don’t have to fix anyone.” I smiled, feeling the truth explode in my body, feeling the Universe cradle me in her magic, “and it’s okay if your opinion is different than theirs, there is nothing wrong with that,” she said.

It’s in this place of letting go that you’re more able to show up for your family members, for your loved ones. Suddenly the way they know how to love you feels accepted, embraced even. You begin loving yourself the way you want, desire being loved. And when you do that, the opinion of others seems to drift away along with the fight to prove you’re right. This is where things get even more beautiful because now suddenly, others love you the way you deserve to be loved, suddenly they want to hear your perspective, be more open-minded themselves, and all because you’ve dropped the fight and chosen to love a little deeper.

And no matter where you are in this process, there you’ll sit more comfortable in your holiday chair, more full of love, and understanding around your differences, and maybe even in the difficulties, than you might have ever known possible.

It all starts with showing up for yourself, and embracing that you, your opinion does not have to always be right.