From riding the waves of our emotions, to choosing to love through the uncertainty

Riding the waves of my emotions is a wildly familiar sentiment to me. When you let emotions wash through you, you’re able to process them, get the information you need from them, understand the messages in your pain, and move forward. But in today’s world, riding the waves of emotions holds a whole new meaning. The depth of uncertainty that lies beyond the wave, after we’ve done the riding, is too big. After a really big wave you usually get a break for at least a minute. That’s how it works in the ocean. The big waves come in sets, maybe 2 or 3 of monstrous sizes, and then you’re able to coast a bit. Bobbing up and down over some baby waves, your body relaxes, you sink into the water or float on top, it’s like being cradled by the ocean. 

We are in uncertain times yet we crave certainty, an attempt to grasp on to the future. And so how do we get comfortable with uncertainty when you have no idea when the waves will subside? 

We trust. We trust in the course correction as it unfolds before us. We trust that we are being initiated to step into more. We trust in the natural evolution of life’s cycles. We trust that our overthinking will not control us, and we fall back into our hearts.  We trust in the love. 

Love is never promised, never certain and yet we choose to trust it time and time again. We choose this because the other option is to stay in self-hatred, stay in loneliness, stay in doubt, stay in the small cave that was built for us from our stories, but we are now keeping intact ourselves. Let love in and you begin to discover the untamed, wild heart living at the bottom of your being.

This is the genius of this moment. Can you, faced with all that you are being faced with, still choose to let love in, to trust in the love, in its path, and to stay on the mission to discover what lives in the untamed space of your wild heart?

An exercise for tending to and caring for the untamed space of your wild heart?

Write down a list of all the emotions you feel today, last night. The good, bad, the ugly. Dump them all down on paper. 

Close your eyes and feel the energy of what those are bringing you. Imagine them physically washing through, and then out of, your body. 

Get a picture of your happy place. Or close your eyes and see a picture of your happy place. 

Feel the energy of this space in your heart.

Say out loud…

I trust in the energy of my happy place. 

I trust in the love my happy place brings me. 

I trust in letting this love into my heart.

I trust in this love.

I trust in love.

I trust in love.

Imagine this love roaming through your body. Feel it, basque in it.

You are worthy of discovering and trusting the love that lives in your wild heart. 

*I will add that I recognize my privilege as I write this. I recognize that my inconveniences are someone else’s luxury. I recognize my privilege and still choose to believe in the sentiment of the piece.
